Debunking Fashion Rules
Here are FOUr fashion “rules” we no longer follow and neither should you!
White After Labor Day
You absolutely CAN and SHOULD wear white after Labor Day! Don’t pack up those white pants, white shoes, or even all white looks. Just pair them with a seasonal item! Think sweaters, jackets, and booties.
Wearing Black and Brown
When done correctly, black and brown is a very chic look. Try using different textiles, like these leather pants! This will create a better contrast between the colors. Want to give it a try but still hesitant? Start by pairing black and tan!
Wearing Black and Navy
Similar to black and brown, black and navy are also a chic look when done correctly! Just remember to make sure there is enough contrast between the two colors. We love this look style with tan or white!
Wearing All Colors Year Round
Say it with us- COLORS CAN BE WORN YEAR ROUND! You’re going to see a lot of lilac and brighter hues this fall, and we are here for it! Don’t stray away from colors that aren’t your typical brown, olive, and maroon. Try something brighter! Just make sure to pair it with a seasonal item like a jacket or boots.